Inspiration Posts

Inspiration Collection

April 13, 2011
Tumblr Posts from March
Tumblr Posts from March

Does anyone else like using the mass-editor part of Tumblr? I find I love using it to review what pictures I’ve posted over the months and I wish I could collect more data from it, like the number of items you gave a particular tag. Part of my reason for starting my tumblr blog was to use it as a place to store inspirational/beautiful images instead of clogging up my pictures folder (which I need to go through and post some things from!).

For the last couple of months though, I’ve found myself more interested analysing what I’ve been posting and finding particular themes, colours and styles that I’ve been tagging. I’ve definitely been noticing that my posts have certain trends in them, for example I find that for some months I’m more likely to post pictures with particular colours one month than I am the next. So I thought I’d start analysing month by month, seeing what are the main traits of my month’s posts.

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