It was one of my lovely friend’s birthdays over the weekend and I of course went into card-making mode to put together a special Pony/cupcake inspired piece for her ^_^.
My plan was to create something Eurovision themed because the birthday party was mainly going to centered around watching the 2012 finals. However, I wasn’t happy with any of the ideas I came up with and decided to take another direction. Through a bit of brain-storming the idea of amalgamating My Little Pony with chocolate cupcake icing and sprinkles came about and thus began the creation of my friend’s card!
Some of the watercolour is a little messy but I think it turned out pretty well, especially after I inked the outlines. It was also one of the most fun cards to put together – working out how to incorporate cupcake goodness and getting to use to a variety of different colours, even if they’re only in small sprinkle sized doses ^_^. I hope I can make more cards like these soon!